Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Goodbye January...Hello 60* weather?!?!

Ahhh...the adventures of living in the Midwest!  Last year at this time, we had already tackled a blizzard of epic proportions.  Today however, we have taken a walk, lunched at the picnic table, and have the windows open.  Miss O keeps asking me if it is time to get out her octopus sprinkler and put the swings back up!  While I am taking every advantage of today, I also know that living in the Midwest means tomorrow it could be 10 below zero.  Please join us for lunch:

Showing me the lights Daddy put up for her.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine...

PB & Nutella, cheese chips, & pears...lunch of champions!!

Monday, January 30, 2012


Every Monday and Wednesday evening, I co-facilitate a group for men that have been arrested/identified as a perpetrator of abuse.  Sounds worse than it is...I really enjoy the work.  In order to get there on time, I drop Miss O off to the Mr. at work.  There can be quite a bit of emotion during the transfer.  There is usually some sort of bribery...which has led us to RingPop Mondays and Cookies Wednesdays!!  Today was a beautiful day so we walked the Metro and ended up with some good ol' M&Ms!

I dressed myself today!!!


Roaming the halls!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Evolution of a cupcake

First of all, my blog skills are primitive.  I may look for a "Blogging for Dummies" book if one is made.  This post is about a cupcake...a divine one at that!  I found it here: here

And Holy Mother of Rich and Decadent FeelMyHipsAGrowinWithEachBite!!

Today is Metro Centre Mary's Birthday so I sent them with the Mr. this morning.

Is this what Heaven smells like?

 Me + Wine= Masterpiece...OK more than one glass usually ends in a disaster!

 So if you already have a PB cup bottom and PB Cheesecake filling, you of course must add a heavy cream and chocolate chips topping...DUH!!!

 Add a little Cool Whip

And what is a cupcake without some sprinkles and a PB Cup topper?!?!

eat it.  enjoy it.  thank me later for it!  

Friday Tea Party

Not only to I have the joy of Miss O, I also have the honor of staying home except for 2 half days.  I get to experience so much with her along the way.  Having an all-out-girl gives me to opportunity to channel all things fine and dainty (thanks Grandma Bert!).  Tea parties are often held in our house.  I am thinking I should start serving scoones (as Miss O says) and tiny sandwiches, but for now cookies will do!!


One must have fancy schmancy cookies to have a proper tea party!

 She melts my heart!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Sometimes you have to take matter into your own hands.  Let me introduce you to Camy!!!

CLICK CLICK CLICK!!!  Jason is already tired of the noise!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Let the countdown begin!  St. Patrick's Day is right around the corner!  I promise pics and lots of posts of all my green to come!